a+t research group (64)
Aaron Betsky (1)
Adam Caruso (2)
Alex S. Ollero (0)
Andrew Witt (1)
Antonio Román (1)
Aurora Fernández Per (109)
Bldgs (1)
Carlos García Vázquez (1)
Ciro Najle (1)
Claudi Aguiló (1)
David Goodman (1)
Edurne Ruiz de Arcaute (39)
Gerard Maccreanor (2)
Hanif Kara (1)
Iñaki Ábalos, Urtzi Grau (1)
Irene Scalbert (1)
Javier Arpa (76)
Javier Mozas (50)
Joan Ramon Pascuets (1)
José Manuel Toral (0)
Kempe Thill (1)
Marta Peris (0)
Martin Musiatowicz (4)
Medina, Samuel (1)
Patricia García (200)
Pierre Bélanger (1)
Rem Koolhaas (1)
Review (4)
Sandra Pauquet (1)
Sanford Kwinter (1)
Xavier González (9)

Image from the talk 'Density is Home'
Javier Arpa, architect and member of a+t research group, has given a lecture in the CEU San Pablo University in Madrid today.
The number 37 of a+t magazine, titled STRATEGY SPACE. Landscape Urbanism Strategies, is the second issue of the STRATEGY series. 12 works of urban landscaping, all built, are analysed regarding the strategies identified in each one.
Javier Arpa, architect and member of a+t research group, gave a lecture at the Collective Housing in Europe lecture series in the Czech Technical University CTU yesterday.
Javier Arpa, architect and editor at a+t, will take part tomorrow in the International Workshop on Landscape hosted by the School of Architecture at the University of Malaga.
a+t research group explained what density is and what density is not, how the agents and the fluxes that shape the city influence it and why the only means to reach a dense city is by building desirable housing.

The book forms part of the Density series, initiated by a+t in 2002, which became a reference for publications about collective housing worldwide.

Density is Home echoes the types of city where we live today through 37 projects on collective housing. The modern city is one of them.

Javier Arpa, architect and editor at a+t, will take part in the summer course hosted by the University of Granada, to be celebrated next July 19th-23rd.