a+t research group: Collective Housing Session in the School of Pamplona
October 19, 2016
El estado líquido del espacio de trabajo
Conferencia de Javier Mozas (a+t research group) en ELISAVA
April 01, 2016
a+t goes to Sweden
October 03, 2014
a+t in theTampere Architecture Week 2012
August 31, 2012
a+t in the CEU San Pablo University
November 30, 2011
a+t at the Czech Technical University CTU
October 04, 2011
a+t in the International Workshop on Landscape of Malaga
July 18, 2011
a+t en la Universidad Cardenal Herrera - CEU de Valencia
July 14, 2011
a+t in IE/IIT Summer School
July 12, 2011
a+t in the Dense Cities symposium
May 30, 2011