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Patricia García - September 12, 2010. 12:00
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As a pivotal building in the urban revitalization of South Boston, the Macallen Building’s design requires a reassessment of conventional residential typologies to produce an innovative building that works within a developer’s financially competitive budget.





Patricia García - September 12, 2010. 11:00
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This project explores the latent potentials hidden within the vertical rhythm and regularity of the Philadelphia row home.

Patricia García - September 12, 2010. 10:00
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Two lightly bent, elongated volumes of different heights restructure Buchegg Park.

Patricia García - September 11, 2010. 13:00
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While climbing the steep and bustling road of Ménilmontant the student residence slowly reveals itself in a series of paradoxes: deeply rooted in the context of the Parisian apartment block, it also stands out as something unexpected and intriguing.

Patricia García - September 11, 2010. 11:00
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Wansey Street Housing is the demonstration project for Elephant and Castle Regeneration.

Patricia García - September 11, 2010. 10:00
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Mackenna Plaza, located in the Saavedra neighbourhood, is the chosen location for the construction of a building made up of nine housing units and three studios.

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