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Resources and Finesse


Resources and Finesse

a+t 61

ISSN 1132-6409

ISBN 978-84-09-68477-9

English/Spanish (23.5 x 32 cm)

104 Pages

Printed version: 28.00 €

Online version: 21.00 €  How to read the online versions

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The combination of the resources available to architecture and the ability to resort to a creative finesse is our proposal for this issue of the Frugality series, a critical response to the demands of the environmental agenda.

These are mechanisms without cost, pure intellectual reflection. The absence of su-perfluous components creates objects stripped of cladding and unnecessary layers. Simple constructions that employ the pseudo-craftsmanship of industrialised assembly as a personalised pattern, imparting identity to the final outcome.

CONTENTS (English/Spanish)

Javier Mozas.

The Touristic Minga.
La Cabina de la Curiosidad.
Chaki Wasi. Zumbahua, Pujilí, Cotopaxi (Ecuador.) 2023-2024.

Intentional Vegetation.
Lütjens Padmanabhan.
Unterfeld Energy Centre. Unterfeld, Zug (Switzerland) 2021-2024.

The Resources of the Section.
Lütjens Padmanabhan.
Zwhatt. Regensdorf (Switzerland) 2020-2024.

Urban Agriculture.
Conen Sigl. Dübendorf, Zurich.
Westhof. Dübendorf, Zurich (Switzerland) 2017-2023.

Factory-Built Housing.
Vivas Arquitectos, Exe Arquitectura.
Industrialised Social Housing in Poblenou. Barcelona (Spain) 2021-2024.

The Crowned Folie.
Eernegem Kindergarten. Eernegem, West Flanders (Belgium) 2018-2023.

Care Hemicycle.
Duinhelm. Stene, Ostend (Belgium) 2017-2023.

Pure Nostalgia.
Jongensschoolpleintje. Zomergem (Belgium) 2016-2023.

The Problem Of The Oblique.
Siamese in Babendiekstraße . Hamburg (Germany) 2023.

The Sophistication Of The Countryside.
Loeliger Strub.
Haus Im Garten. Zurich (Switzerland) 2018-2023.

The Veracity Of Matter.
Social Housing in Masnou. El Masnou, Barcelona (Spain) 2019-2024.


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