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Complex Buildings: Generators.
Bruther. Sport and Cultural Centre

Project published in a+t 48 Generators, Linkers, Mixers & Storytellers

June 28, 2017

Complex Buildings: Generators. <br>Bruther. Sport and Cultural Centre<br>

The generators become complex buildings which, devoid of any contingency, evolve faster and are able to anticipate potential changes, to reconfigure themselves in order to adapt.

The machine-building Sport and Cultural Centre by Bruther in Saint-Blaise district (París) has many ramifications to untangle. This complexity is the result of mixed programs and is an inherent condition of its architecture. It is a collection of juxtaposed and heterogeneous elements which present a certain cohesion between them, a whole whose form has not been predefined. Its morphology, subtly shaped, gives the project a sculptural character and proposes a break with the utilitarian architecture that characterizes the district.

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