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Design Organization to Design. Giovanna Borasi

Project published in a+t 46 Organization or Design?

April 19, 2017

Design Organization to Design. Giovanna Borasi

The Other Architect exhibition. AMO display.

"As an architect, design is my preoccupation, but also the topic of my work as a curator. But being a curator inside an institution, I have also shifted my mind towards the question of organization. In simple terms, being a curator can be described as an act that finally takes the form of organizing and establishing a structure or a framework for a set of contents.

The Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) collection is spatially organized in the vaults which have their own distinct logic. The work of the curator is very much about re-organizing the objects inside these boxes and then exhibiting this new organization. Even if this re-organization might be temporary –so that anyone can connect with and understand the structure that we, as curators, give, or can connect the artifacts through different logics, or conduct other lines of inquiry– this organization still requires a combination of design framework, on the one hand, and a clear system of organization of the content, on the other..."

Extract from the essay "Design Organization to Design" by Giovanna Borasi, published in a+t 46 Organization or Design?



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