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Tudela-Culip. Martí Franch, Ton Ardèvol. Creus. Spain

Project published in a+t 39-40 RECLAIM Remediate Reuse Recycle

April 05, 2014

Tudela-Culip. Martí Franch, Ton Ardèvol. Creus. Spain

Following the demolition of the constructions and the recovery of the setting as a nature park, the road network was adapted for limited visitor circulation. The main road (2 km) was reduced to a single 3.5 metre section and was uniformly resurfaced with asphalt. Only two roads which divided the beach have been taken up and replaced by one single road further away.

The section type of the reused road comprises two steel lateral profiles between which the asphalt surfacing is laid out. The ceramic residues have been used as a base layer. As far as the crushed stone is concerned, mixed with earth it was used to create mounds which were later cut back to create the original rock formations. When they were not mixed in with earth the finest grains of crushed earth were used to surface the main parking lot.






Evergreen/Brick Works. DTAH, Diamond Schmitt, Claude Cormier + Associés. Toronto. Canada
Evergreen/Brick Works. DTAH, Diamond Schmitt, Claude Cormier + Associés. Toronto. Canada
Green Belt. CEA Centro de Estudios Ambientales. Vitoria-Gasteiz. Spain
Green Belt. CEA Centro de Estudios Ambientales. Vitoria-Gasteiz. Spain
VIDEO. Restoration of Tudela-Culip natural environment. Franch, Ardèvol. Catalonia. Spain
VIDEO. Restoration of Tudela-Culip natural environment. Franch, Ardèvol. Catalonia. Spain


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