Riches Hawley Mikhail Architects. 26 dwellings in Suffolk. United Kingdom
March 14, 2011
Situated in a rural village in Suffolk the Three Gardens project combines sustainable strategies for construction, lifetime energy use and landscape. Rainwater is collected to water gardens and flush toilets, whole house ventilation minimises heat loss and heat and hot water are provided by a shared biomass boiler.
Houses all face south -overshadowing is minimised and passive solar gain maximised. Construction is structural timber frame filled with a sprayed mixture of lime and hemp. This innovative insulanting material has the huge advantage of being not carbon neutral but carbon negative, locking in CO2. Finishes are lime render and red cedar shingles and boards.
The arrangement of houses is non-hierarchical, cars can enter the site but not drive through, parking is provided near each group of houses. Curved walls define the extent of the private gardens and give a sense of privacy and enclosure.
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