MBM, MAB. Remodelling at the Parma Station. Italy
March 17, 2011

The project shown is the second remodelling phase at the Parma Station. Its beginning phase corresponds to the MBM Arquitectes studio.
The reflection on the contemporary city as a place of coexistence of uses and different activities has brought us to the conclusion that in order to create a new stretch of city, combining different uses in buildings was necessary. The ground level houses businesses, the first floor offices, and on the second, third and fourth floors homes are located. The entries to different activities are independent.
This complexity of uses was also reflected in the project’s image. The ground level is the public level, the area for social contact and urban connections. The first floor recovers the urban front through a continuous gallery of office entrances. The change in volumetrics beginning on the second floor announces the changing of use into homes.
One building curves and rises, while the other divides into two different nuclei supported by the common office level. The tower is the focal element in this urban setting; buildings adapt and step back to find balance.
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