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Density is Home. Types of city (2)

June 09, 2011

Density is Home. Types of city (2)

Density is Home echoes the types of city -dispersed, expansive, modern, the core of the city and the recycled city- where we live today through 37 projects on collective housing.

Type 1: The expansive city.

The promising growth forecasts for the developed countries gave free rein to the drawing up of ambitious urban expansion plans. Despite the differences, they all respond to similar principles of extensive land occupancy, they all forgot about public spaces, they are all practically mono-functional, they all act like new dormitory towns and none of them have managed to fit into the existing city. Nevertheless, these plans have served as an excellent framework for experimenting in collective housing*.

*Summary of the texts written by Javier Arpa, that introduce each type of city.

Page from the project IJburg Blok 65b by Moriko Kira, an example of collective housing placed in the expandive city:




Density is Home. Types of city (5)
Density is Home. Types of city (5)
Density is Home. Types of city (4)
Density is Home. Types of city (4)
Density is Home. Types of city (3)
Density is Home. Types of city (3)
Density is Home. Types of city (1)
Density is Home. Types of city (1)
Density is Home. Projects index
Density is Home. Projects index
Density is Home. Density and Desire
Density is Home. Density and Desire
Density is Home
Density is Home


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