Vessel and The Shed near completion. Hudson Yards, NY
January 31, 2018
a+t at the closing of Mugak
The Donostia International Architecture Biennal dedicates a conference to Housing Architecture
January 22, 2018
Sert, Jackson. Roosevelt Island. New York. United States 1970-1976
January 17, 2018
New a+t issue: Dwelling Mixers
Second volume within the series Complex Buildings
January 09, 2018
Freelon Adjaye Bond/SmithGroup. Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture. Washington, DC 2016
December 20, 2017
Offices. Sources of Inspiration: Facade of Elbphilharmonie
Example included in the article 'The Liquid Nature of Workspace' by Javier Mozas, published in The Office on the Grass
December 05, 2017
From the Hybrid to the Complex Building
Extract from the talk given for the ETSAB enabling Master's by a+t research group (Aurora Fernández Per, Javier Mozas).
November 30, 2017
50 Urban Blocks. Learn How to Design a Plinth + Slabs Urban Block.
Published in 50 Urban Blocks (a+t designing cards)
November 22, 2017
Clan Culture in the Workplace
Extract from the Glossary published in the book THE OFFICE ON THE GRASS
November 14, 2017
Short History of the Development of the Office
Extract from the article by Caruso St John Architects 'A Short History of the Development of the Office Explained in Terms of the Economic and Social Context of the Last 100 Years', published in THE OFFICE ON THE GRASS
November 07, 2017