VMX. 316 dwellings in Haarlem. The Netherlands
March 23, 2011

The program includes 118 apartments to sell, 50 to rent for seniors, 100 units for elderly people and 48 intensive care rooms. Therefore, the large diversity in housing types interaction between different age groups.
The design takes its starting point in the qualities of the post-war neighbourhood where it is located, more specifically the public character, the green and the light. The towers of the apartments to sell are free-standing but grouped around an open courtyard above the half-sunken parking garage. The towers of the care complex are connected by a shared program on the ground floor, including recreational rooms, offices, examinations rooms and a large centre with a café, restaurant and shops.
The six towers are thus tied together by shared spaces, protected areas, and the elements of the park. Hereby a coherent public space is created for the different user groups. A large variation of housing types has been made possible within a coherent shape, where the circular exterior of the tower offers privacy and views.
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