Jeanne Hachette. Characters. 10 Stories of Collective Housing
July 03, 2013

Two pages from the book 10 Stories of Collective Housing , by a+t research group
The book 10 Stories of Collective Housing presents the characters that participated and influenced each one of the 10 buildings selected. Here is an extract from the biographies of those who influenced the Jeanne Hachette complex:
Jean Renaudie. Architect, 1925-1981
In 1968, he left the Atelier de Montrouge to work with Renée Gailhoustet, whom he had met in the Lods atelier, on the Ivry-sur-Seine city centre redevelopment. A Marxist, he was a member of the French Communist Party for most of his life and one of his greatest concerns was to build dignified collective housing for all.
Renée Gailhoustet. Architect and urban planner, 1929-
In 1969, she took over the post of Chief Architect of Ivry-sur-Seine, a post passed down to her from Roland Dubrulle, the former municipal architect. She invited Renaudie to work with her on the project to redevelop downtown Ivry.
Atelier de Montrouge. Architecture workshop, 1958-1981
Architecture and planning workshop where Jean Renaudie worked, along with Pierre Riboulet, Gérard Thurnauer and Jean-Louis Véret, from its launch until 1968. The workshop functioned according to the principles of the associative movement, sharing resources and constantly initiating debates aimed at social reflection on collective housing.
Nina Schuch. Architect, 1932-
Chief architect at Renaudie’s studio, she was also his life partner. After the death of Jean Renaudie in 1981, she set up, along with two other colleagues from the studio, the office Atelier Jean Renaudie, which worked for five years to complete the outstanding projects.