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Flexo Arquitectura. Dwellings in Cuevas del Almanzora. Spain

March 30, 2011

Flexo Arquitectura. Dwellings in Cuevas del Almanzora. Spain

The architects incorporate sustainability criteria (life cycle) from the first project decision. This implies the selection of the main construction materials according to their primary energy content, the selection of the constructive system and the consideration of the form as a climate control tactic.

The patio as a generator
The dwelling type configured around a patio that offers the following advantages: It acts as an energy exchanger in a warm climate, guaranteeing
solar protection (awning) and evaporation (fountains, vegetation) in the summer and energy profits in the winter; It guarantees the control of light and visual protection; It is configured as yet another more external room, typical of warm climates.

Introduction, generation and negotiation of the system
The architects propose a flexible configuration system, the result of the addition of a dwelling-patio-duplex that negotiates the adaptation conditions to its surroundings by incorporating a passage-plaza which provides the entrance to all of the dwellings and offers a meeting place with a controlled microclimate (deciduous plants and sheets of water). The system is highly flexible in the determination of the one-storey dwellings located in the attic. It considers the location of wet nuclei and entry to the dwellings or group of dwellings as parameters of configuration.


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