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The programme is the version for dummies

Published in Complex Buildings Series

August 02, 2018

 The programme is the version for dummies

The Open Urban School. OMA. LabCity CentraleSupélec. Plateau de Saclay. Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Photo by Philippe Ruault

The programme, in any project, is the version for dummies of a complex system. As the architects expand their information on the system on which they must operate, -either educational, commercial, cultural ... - It will be an ever–changing, loose horizon shrouded in uncertainty, which will then interact with the architects, absorbing and somehow transforming them.

The speed with which architecture needs to respond to this unstable horizon, which to simplify we shall call programme, always acts against it.

Extract from the article “Function is not complex. We are”, by Aurora Fernández Per published in a+t 50 Learning Systems, Complex Buildings Series.



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