S333. Ciboga Terrain. Groningen. The Netherlands
January 05, 2011
Author of the video: blogactivpras
Project published in Density. Condensed edition and a+t magazine n. 22 Density IV
Schots 1 & 2 resolve the conflicts between the desire for spatial openness, and the requirements for programmatic intensification by creating a 'volumetric landscape' of 300 underground parking places, 110 winter gardens, 105 apartments, 44 houses, 14 patios, 8 shops, 4 vertical gardens, 3 collective roof gardens, 2 courtyards, 2 supermarkets, and 1 medical centre. Schots 1 & 2 could be seen as a contemporary reading of the 'Megaform'. This is a large complex system that extends horizontally capable of inflecting the existing urban landscape. It acts as a continuation of the surrounding topography and orientates itself towards the densification of the urban fabric.
Project available in pdf and in the book Density. Condensed edition.