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S333. CiBoGa Schots 1 and 2. Uses

Project published in Why Density? Debunking the myth of the cubic watermelon

February 29, 2016

S333. CiBoGa Schots 1 and 2. Uses

Drawing by a+t research group. Published in the book Why Density?

This work of collective housing by the architects S333 is a project with multi-layers based on the program and the urban landscape.

CiBoGa is a hybrid comprising three uses: residential, retail and parking. There are four types of units: row housing, apartment with vertical circulation core access, apartment with access through shared communal space and high-rise apartment with access through glazed galleries.

Retail activity is focused on the street in the middle. The layout of the retail units comprises seven spaces with the active front mainly facing the collective accesses to the vertical circulation cores.






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