OMA (Rem Koolhaas/Floris Alkemade), FAA+XDGA (Floris Alkemade/Xaveer de Geyter). Transformation of the Entrepôt Macdonald. Paris
May 10, 2010
The works commissioned to convert the Macdonalds warehouse to a huge hybrid have already started. The existing structure will be maintained and enlarged so as to house multiple urban uses. The building, for its large size, is comparable to the scale of Corviale or Karl Marx-Hof.
The northeast of Paris is made up of fragments of the city that jut out over a landscape of transport infrastructures. The urban plan for the area, designed by Dusapin Leclerc, looks to re-establish the connection between Paris and its outskirts by creating new centralities between cities.
Photos taken by a+t, available under request.
OMA (Rem Koolhaas/Floris Alkemade) FAA+XDGA (Floris Alkemade/Xaveer de Geyter)
Transformation of the Entrepôt Macdonald
141-221, Boulevard Macdonald
Paris. France 2006-2013