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Níall McLaughlin Architects. Housing for the Peabody Trust. Darbishire Place, London, 2015

January 30, 2017

Níall McLaughlin Architects. Housing for the Peabody Trust. Darbishire Place, London, 2015



Lan. Carré Lumière. Bègles. France 2015
Lan. Carré Lumière. Bègles. France 2015
feld72. Eppan housing. Eppan. Italy 2015
feld72. Eppan housing. Eppan. Italy 2015
BIG. 8 House. Types of dwellings
BIG. 8 House. Types of dwellings
Chamberlin, Powell & Bon (CP&B). Golden Lane. The City. London. United Kingdom  1951-1962
Chamberlin, Powell & Bon (CP&B). Golden Lane. The City. London. United Kingdom 1951-1962
Transformation of Cité du Grand Parc. Lacaton & Vassal, Druot, Hutin. Bordeaux. France
Transformation of Cité du Grand Parc. Lacaton & Vassal, Druot, Hutin. Bordeaux. France
Klein Dytham. 17 dwellings in Nagoya. Japan
Klein Dytham. 17 dwellings in Nagoya. Japan
Facade flag
Facade flag
Moriko Kira. IJburg Blok 65b. Amsterdam. The Netherlands
Moriko Kira. IJburg Blok 65b. Amsterdam. The Netherlands


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