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Foreign Office Architects. Social Housing in Carabanchel. Madrid

September 06, 2010

Foreign Office Architects. Social Housing in Carabanchel. Madrid

Given the adjacency to the future urban park and the North-South orientation of the site, the proposal was to compact the volume within the given height so that every unit will have double orientation east-west. In order to achieve this, the units become a sort of 13.40 m long ‘tubes’ that connect both facades and avoid any type of structure in the partitions between apartments. This concentration on the western side of the plot allows us the possibility of providing a private garden for the units on the eastern side, to be located above the parking belonging to the units.


Pages from the project published in HoCo




HoCo: The Making of
HoCo: The Making of
 HoCo Sustainability
HoCo Sustainability
Foreign Office Architects. Social Housing in Carabanchel. Madrid
Foreign Office Architects. Social Housing in Carabanchel. Madrid


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