Arons en gelauff. Pontsteiger. Amsterdam. The Netherlands
October 11, 2010
Gigon / Guyer. Transformation of the Löwerbräu site. Zurich. Switzerland
October 10, 2010
VMX Architects. Library ++. Utrecht. The Netherlands
October 10, 2010
Allford Hall Monaghan Morris. KX200. London
October 09, 2010
Herzog & de Meuron. St. Jakob Türm. Basel. Switzerland
October 09, 2010
DEMO architects. Mixed-Use Complex. Milan
October 08, 2010
Gonçalo Byrne. Housing, offices and retail building. Evora. Portugal
October 07, 2010
Block Architects. Block 11. Nantes. France
October 07, 2010
Blanca Lleó. Youth Housing, Nursery and Occupational Centre. Barcelona
October 06, 2010
Hamonic + Masson. 36 dwellings and medical centre. Pantin. France
October 06, 2010