Offices. Sources of Inspiration: Facade of Elbphilharmonie
Example included in the article 'The Liquid Nature of Workspace' by Javier Mozas, published in The Office on the Grass
December 05, 2017
Clan Culture in the Workplace
Extract from the Glossary published in the book THE OFFICE ON THE GRASS
November 14, 2017
Short History of the Development of the Office
Extract from the article by Caruso St John Architects 'A Short History of the Development of the Office Explained in Terms of the Economic and Social Context of the Last 100 Years', published in THE OFFICE ON THE GRASS
November 07, 2017
Offices. Facebook Headquarters MPK 20. Sources of Inspiration
Extract from the article by Javier Mozas 'The Liquid Nature of Workspace', published in THE OFFICE ON THE GRASS
October 17, 2017
The Office on the Grass. The Evolution of the Workplace
New a+t book. Now on sale
October 02, 2017