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BIG. Dwellings in Copenhagen. Denmark

March 24, 2011

BIG. Dwellings in Copenhagen. Denmark

Project published in Density projects

How can we go beyond the traditional perimeter block but still stay within the letter of the building code?

By inflating a block of apartments to the limit of the maximum urban volume, we generate a cathedral like architecture of sloping roofs and spires. Too deep to be inhabited, the prismatic volume contains a public cavity –the courtyard as a collective living room. The volume is deformed as to liberate spaces for plazas at both sides and slanted in order to let light flow unimpeded to the neighbouring buildings. A tilted ramp leads from the inside out transforming itself into a street corridor with public accessibility.


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BIG+JDS. Mountain Dwellings. Copenhagen. Denmark
BIG+JDS. Mountain Dwellings. Copenhagen. Denmark
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VMX. 316 dwellings in Haarlem. The Netherlands
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