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A Better Place to Work. Index

October 07, 2014

a+t 43 WORKFORCE <br/>A Better Place to Work. Index

a+t magazine inaugurates the WORKFORCE series, dedicated to the design of workspaces. A Better Place to Work (a+t 43) is the first volume of the series and reflects, through 25 projects, the path leading from the wild waters of the google-offices towards the calmer waters of the quiet office where employees return to adulthood.



The Liquid Nature of Workspace, by Javier Mozas

A Short History of the Development of the Office Explained in Terms of the Economic and Social Context of the Last 100 Years, by Caruso St John Architects


GOOGLE CENTRAL. Penson. London (United Kingdom) 2012

GOOGLE ZURICH. Camenzind Evolution. Hurlimann Areal, Zurich (Switzerland) 2008

UNILEVER. Camenzind Evolution. Diana, Schaffhausen (Switzerland)

CISCO MERAKI. Studio O+A. San Francisco, California (USA)

THE GIANT PIXEL CORPORATION. Studio O+A. San Francisco, California (USA)

DISSENY HUB BARCELONA. Baas. Barcelona (Spain)

OFFICE 3. i29 Interior Architects. Amsterdam (Netherlands)

ALTA DIAGONAL BUILDING. Fargas & Tous (Original building, 1992) Baas (Intervention). Barcelona (Spain)

DE BURGEMEESTER COMPLEX. Studioninedots. Hoofddorp, Amsterdam (Netherlands)

LBI OFFICES. Brinkworth. East London (United Kingdom)

CLUB CHANCERY LANE. Studio Tilt. London (United Kingdom)

CLUB BANKSIDE. Studio Tilt. London (United Kingdom)

CLUB CHISWICK. Studio Tilt. London (United Kingdom)

CLUB LONDON BRIDGE. Studio Tilt. London (United Kingdom)

DMVA OFFICE 2. dmvA. Mechelen (Belgium)

NOVA ISKRA DESIGN INCUBATOR. Studio Petokraka. Belgrade (Serbia)


TRIBAL DDB OFFICE. i29 Interior Architects. Amsterdam (Netherlands)

UNIT B4. Make Creative. Alexandria, Sydney (Australia)

UNSTABLE OFFICE. Carlos Arroyo Arquitectos. Madrid (Spain)

MOZILLA JAPAN’S NEW OFFICE. Nosigner. Tokyo (Japan)

YARDHOUSE. Assemble. Sugar Island, London (United Kingdom)

STALL IN PROGRESS. Arquitectura de taller. San Fernando Market, Madrid (Spain)

LIN OFFICE SPACE. LIN. Berlin (Germany)

ARTS COUNCIL ENGLAND OFFICES. Caruso St John Architects. London (United Kingdom)




New a+t series: WORKFORCE
New a+t series: WORKFORCE


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