a+t 31. HYBRIDS I. Analysis
October 20, 2008
Section of Museum Plaza, published in HYBRIDS I. High-rise Mixed-Use Buildings. 168 pages. Now on sale.
At a+t 31. HYBRIDS I, the analysis that a+t does on vertical hybrid buildings is based on the identification and comparison of three concepts on a selection of 12 prototype projects: programme, section and land use.
The relationship between height and use clearly expresses the urban vocation of the project, its openness to the city, its capacity to share the privilege of height and its social permeability. The section of a hybrid is also, according to Rem Koolhaas, a piece of urban fabric that rises up. In this sense, we wished to confront the urban weft with the section, to compare the intensity of uses with the density of the fabric.
The programme is broken down into a bar of uses and a field of vertical representation. On this field the uses of each building are distributed until 100% of the built surface is completed.
Based on the chosen projects, the possibility to integrate very different uses in one building has been observed. The tendency of planners to avoid mixing uses in favour of segregation is contested by this collection of projects where variety and intensity of uses, both public and private, in a unique development.
The analysis of the section shows the location of uses in the section and allows the comparison of tendencies regarding the placement of public and private spheres.
Insertion into the context is analysed from different scales:
- territorial scale, with population density data and a map with a scale of 1:500,000, to establish the area of economic and social influence.
- urban scale, with the mark inserted in the orthophoto with a scale of 1:5000, to confirm the adaptation or imposition to the weft, connection to the surrounding fabric, land use and edificability.
We hope to enrich and complete this first analysis of hybrid buildings in a second issue to the series, where we will include horizontal hybrids.