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Abalos&Herreros. Coastal Park. Barcelona

April 24, 2009

Abalos&Herreros. Coastal Park. Barcelona

The park rounds off, together with the extension of the Diagonal Avenue and the Forum, the works aimed at returning to Barcelona its coastal strip.

The area envelops a waste treatment plant and its new office building. Both become part of the new landscape as much as the sea, the beach, the prairies, the dunes, the urban furniture or the vegetation.

Photos taken by Javier Arpa, available under request



Pepita Teixidor. Street A in Zona Franca (in progress). Barcelona
Pepita Teixidor. Street A in Zona Franca (in progress). Barcelona
Arriola&Fiol Arquitectes (noise protection: EMBT). Gran Vía. Barcelona
Arriola&Fiol Arquitectes (noise protection: EMBT). Gran Vía. Barcelona
Coll-Leclerc. TMB Park. Barcelona
Coll-Leclerc. TMB Park. Barcelona


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