8 tactical actions
May 22, 2012
Javier Mozas includes in a+t 38 Strategy and Tactics in Public Space the article 'Public Space as a battlefield'. It looks at the context from which public space emerges and develops the system of tactics applied to public space offering his view of the actors involved, the modus operandi and the realms in which it takes place.
Based on this view, a+t has chosen 8 tactical actions which it considers to be action types: re-using what is useless, low-cost self-building, farming the city, playing to change reality, negotiating at all levels, acting generously, using direct action and aspiring to utopia.
The actors of these tactical actions are Coloco, Recetas Urbanas, Atelier d'architecture autogérée, PKMN, pac-man, Rebar, SPUR, Camina Haz Ciudad y raumlaborberlin.
Pages from Strategy and Tactics in Public Space devoted to tactical actions: