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dRMM. Wansey Street Housing. London

February 03, 2010

 dRMM. Wansey Street Housing. London

Wansey Street Housing is the demonstration project for Elephant and Castle Regeneration, that includes the demolition of the 1960s Heygate Estate. The project will then form a landmark on the south east corner of a new public square.

31 Units building of mixed tenure
Developer (69% public, 39% private)
Densities: 303 dwellings/ha, 709 inhab/ha

Photos taken by Javier Arpa, available under request.

Wansey Street housing
14 Wansey Street
London, United Kingdom 2006

Heygate Estate complex will be demolished this year

Main façade in Wansey Street. The development is divided into four apartment blocks with three separate entrances leading to communal open circulation

Back façade and courtyard. All living rooms and balconies overlook this courtyard and are protected by a screen of metal louvers that regulate sun light

Detail of the main façade: fibrecement panels above a ceramic base



Renzo Piano Building Workshop. Central St. Giles. London
Renzo Piano Building Workshop. Central St. Giles. London
Allford Hall Monaghan Morris. Adelaide Wharf. London
Allford Hall Monaghan Morris. Adelaide Wharf. London
HoCo <br />Density Housing Construction & Costs
Density Housing Construction & Costs


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