HYBRIDS III. Residential Mixed-Use Buildings
a+t 33-34
ISSN 1132-6409
English/Spanish (23.5 x 32 cm)
272 Pages
Online version: 22.00 € How to read the online versions
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Most of the projects included in Hybrids III are now published in the book This is Hybrid
This double issue from the Hybrids Series, titled HYBRIDS III. Residential Mixed-Use Buildings, is centred on residential use as a support for actions involving hybrids.
Whereas issues I and II devote their pages, respectively, to high rise and horizontal hybrids, Hybrids III supports the inclusion of housing in mixed developments, that guarantees continuous functional intensity and tends to be the driving force of financing civic buildings.
Nevertheless, the function of living is the most difficult to insert into hybrid programmes, due to recent growing requests of users in terms of privacy and safety. The balance between privacy and community requires a consensus of shared interests, rules that allow diversity without endangering individuality.

... In the search for models capable of economising resources, Hybrid Buildings, especially those with residential uses, are chance samples that include the gene of mixed-use development in its code. This gene is necessary in order to adapt to the signs of the times. Nevertheless, this mixed condition makes them mistakenly similar to another avant-garde model, a model that at first sight seems to be its predecessor when in fact it is the complete opposite. We are referring to the Social Condenser...
a+t 32
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HYBRIDS SERIES. Online version
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