NEXT. Refill & regeneration
April 07, 2010

What's NEXT?
Refill of the historical districts
MADE architekti. Peitavas street housing. Riga. Latvia
Reuse of vacant lots
Atelier Data + MOOV. Forwarding Dallas. Dallas. United States
Regeneration of harbour areas
BIG + Topotek1. Worehouse hybrids. Hamburg. Germany
Regeneration of industrial sites
Group A. Transformation of Coberco Factory. Arnhem. The Netherlands
Gentrification and redensification of the central areas
Louis Paillard Architecte. Haussmann Social Housing. Paris. France
Higher floor area ratios
Atelier Kempe Thill. Park tower hybrid. Almere. The Netherlands
Regeneration of railway sites
Bachelard Wagner Architekten. Housing and offices Bernoulli-Walkeweg. Basel.Switzerland
Refurbishment of obsolet constructions
Roldán + Berengué. Youth housing in Fabra i Coats Factory. Barcelona. Spain
Esty Ilgaev & Michael Peled. Transformation of Ha'aliya Market. Tel Aviv. Israel