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Architecture Workshop. Klarheit. Tokyo. Japan

September 06, 2012

Architecture Workshop. Klarheit. Tokyo. Japan

The city separated the residential space from the business areas and promoted, with special emphasis on Japanese society, the isolation and lack of communication among citizens. New technologies are making it easier to break up the spatial organisation of that production system and are allowing spaces to appear which integrate housing, work and leisure. This integration of uses is disrupting the traditional transport systems, which reached their peak of development in Japan at the end of the 20th Century and is helped by the need to reduce energy consumption.
Klarheit, clarity in German, is a small building which houses several programmes superimposed on three layers.





VA Studio. MD housing. Vila Nova de Gaia. Portugal
VA Studio. MD housing. Vila Nova de Gaia. Portugal
Density is Home. Projects index
Density is Home. Projects index
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Density is Home


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