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Strategy Space, a mental map through the strategies

March 06, 2012

Strategy Space, a mental map through the strategies


The architectural blog Archidose has published a review of the a+t magazine issue entitled Strategy Space.

According to John Hill, Archidose's editor, 'the strategies (in this issue) are also ways to link the projects and give readers a way to follow their own interests and concerns throughout the book. [...] This level of organization may be more helpful for the editors than the readers, but the more one uses the book the more it all helps to create a mental map through the strategies'.

Moreover, Hill added: 'By tackling urban public spaces in this issue, from the small to the very large, the strategies that the editors incorporate into the presentation of the various projects are able to highlight considerations at various times throughout a project's long duration. This a fitting approach, given the way these predominantly landscape projects span years, decades, or more'.

Read the complete review.




a+t Strategy Space. Now on sale
a+t Strategy Space. Now on sale
a+t 37 Strategy Space. Strategies
a+t 37 Strategy Space. Strategies
a+t 37 Strategy Space. Projects
a+t 37 Strategy Space. Projects


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