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GSD Harvard inaugurates All that is Solid, Symposia on architecture

The contents will be published in a+t magazine

October 28, 2014

GSD Harvard inaugurates All that is Solid, Symposia on architecture

The Harvard University Graduate School of Design (GSD) will inaugurate the series of 4 symposia All that is Solid, to be held during 2014 and 2015. The first one, entitled Design Techniques, will take place this Thursday, October 30, at 06:30 pm (UTC/GMT-04:00). The contents of the symposia will be published in a+t magazine.

At a moment of dissolution in design, technique is all an architect can grasp. Techniques occupy a beautifully indeterminate void on the fault line between theory and practice. Spared of reductive allegiance to either, design techniques are uniquely powerful. A technique may disrupt, innovate, communicate, or surprise.  At the same time, techniques stand as silent markers of membership—opaque envelops delimiting communities of colleagues. This first of four symposia interrogates the motivations, instruments, influences, justifications, effects, and origins of contemporary design techniques. Ultimately technique is how novelty manifests itself in architecture, expanding and advancing the inner core of our discipline.

Introduction by Iñaki Abalos, Chair of the Department of Architecture, with presentations by:

Jeannette Kuo, Karamuk Kuo Architekten, Zurich, Switzerland

Camilo Restrepo Ochoa, Camilo Restrepo Arquitectos, Medellin, Colombia, Harvard GSD Design Critic in Architecture

Sharon Johnston and Mark Lee, Johnston Marklee & Associates, Los Angeles, California, Harvard GSD Design Critic in Architecture

Philippe Rahm, Philippe Rahm Architectes, Paris, France, Harvard GSD Design Critic in Architecture

Responses and panel discussion moderated by:

Antoine Picon, Harvard GSD Director of Research and G. Ware Travelstead Professor in Architecture

Neil Leach, European Graduate School Professor, University of Southern California Adjunct Professor, NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts Fellow, Harvard GSD Visiting Professor in Architecture

Supported by the Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities

Further info about the event at the Harvard University website.




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