RECLAIM Remediate Reuse Recycle
a+t 39-40
ISSN 1132-6409
ISBN 978-84-615-6020-2
312 Pages
English/Spanish (23.5 x 32 cm)
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Issue Reclaim - Remediate Reuse Recycle interprets and compares actions extracted from the projects and classifies them into three Re- processes:
Remediate: acting on the territory
Reuse: acting on the building
Recycle: acting on the material
With this start to the Reclaim series, a+t interprets the works analysed and organizes its discourse on the basis of Re- actions, using these actions to create a body of knowledge applicable to any project.
Reclaim has the environmental sense to reclaim the territory, the objects, the infrastructures and the materials yet it also is a call to reclaim dignity and citizen rights. It is a wake-up call to morally reclaim society using the Re- processes as atonement.

Extract from the article by Javier Mozas published in this issue:
"... In the West the bulk of architectural works currently focuses on intervening on the existing built environment. Several European and American cities have been forced to shrink, to fill in the empty gaps and to renovate the obsolete fabrics of their peripheral areas. The ex novo planned urban expansions are less and less frequent and it is unusual to find an architect who is not, as part of his or her everyday work, confronted with situations which require urban fabrics, infrastructures, constructions and found materials to be put to use..."

Extract from the article by David Goodman published in this issue:
"... The current series, in which this issue is the first, will deal primarily with leftovers, remnants, and waste. In many cases, however, the underlying techniques and arguments are quite similar to those described above: we remain in the realm of the tactical, of working on the margins, and of direct engagement. But in several instances, these techniques and arguments have been deployed entirely without architects; the work has been conceived and implemented by the interested parties themselves. We are thus confronted with what is perhaps the most extreme result of this sort of work, the utter erasure of the figure of the architect, and the suppression of the disciplinary architectural project in favor of direct action..."
"The design, layout, and quality of presentation is exceptional". John Hill, A Daily Dose of Architecture