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Patricia García - May 29, 2014. 15:15
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La BAQ2014, que tendrá lugar del 17 al 21 de noviembre de 2014, confirma nuevos conferenciantes:

Hrvoje Njiric, arquitecto croata. Considera que la arquitectura debe ser mucho más que una definición física de sus fronteras o un conjunto formal de los materiales de construcción. Opina que trabajar fuera de Croacia es una oportunidad de ofrecer nue.

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Patricia García - May 27, 2014. 10:40
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Studio Boot + Hilberinkbosch Architecten. Studio Boot. ‘s-Hertogenbosch. The Netherlands

The latest issue of a+t magazine, Reclaim - Domestic Actions 2, analyzes 34 refurbishing actions carried out on both private dwellings and collective housing. It rounds off the Reclaim series, which arose from an environmental sense of reclaiming land, objects, infrastructures and materials.





Patricia García - May 23, 2014. 13:25
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The latest issue of a+t magazine, Domestic Actions 2, rounds off the Reclaim series, which arose from an environmental sense of reclaiming land, objects, infrastructures and materials.

This new volume, on refurbishing dwellings, analyzes actions carried out on both private dwellings and collective housing.

Through work such as that by architects Lacaton & Vassal, a+t invites you to reconside.

Patricia García - May 23, 2014. 09:00
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Harare is one of the areas identified as a priority by residents regarding crime reduction along the pedestrian footpaths. This project was the first to go ahead and involves creating landmarks along a safe pedestrian route: Harare Urban Park and Harare Square are now multi-purpose public spaces which incorporate the functions of the storm-water retention basins on which they have been built. In order to prevent flooding, permeable paving has been used and a system has been adopted which coll.

Patricia García - May 22, 2014. 09:00
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A city within the city was the slogan used by the architect to promote this mixed use complex. Marina City was the fi rst high-rise residential project built in post-war Chicago. The need to revitalize the downtown area once again allowed mixed-use in the early 1960s. The developer’s aim was to provide apartments and studios to let for offi ce workers to avoid the daily commute to the surrounding suburbs. A raised common plaza, with fi ve buildings inserted from below fl oor level, offe.

Patricia García - May 19, 2014. 17:35
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This project is part of a program which legally recognises the favelas and aims to enhance residents’ living conditions and guarantee social inclusion. A public use corridor was built. This is a 7 km long strip which connects up several open air facilities where plantations of native species of plants have been preserved and restored. The park opens up views from within the favela out to the reservoir; with this, a part of the illegally occupied lands passes into the hands of the collec.

Patricia García - May 14, 2014. 09:55
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Photo: a+t research group

In 2003, MVRDV together with Norwegian firms Dark and A-lab, won the competition for the Bjørvika waterfront development with the design of the Bjørvika Barcode, a dense urban masterplan along Nyland Allé, which will be developed and realised by Oslo S Utvikling (OSU) in different phases. The masterplan comprises 220,000 m2 of mixed pro.

Patricia García - May 13, 2014. 17:00
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Photo: Luuk Kramer

This project is part of an archipelago in the most eastern part of the Water-area at Ypenburg The Hague (more about this area in a+t 19). It consists of 120 single-family-houses and 8 group houses for mentally and physically handicapped people. The project is based on the urban development schedule of the architectural office MVRDV, (more...)

Patricia García - May 12, 2014. 09:55
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The intervention on the successive strata of use to be found in the Cima del Turó involved leaving existing paving and lines on show, displaying the historical cohabitation of the military constructions of the thirties with the informal buildings of the fifties. The paving of the former barracks, the access steps, the defensive walls have all been repaired with materials similar to those found in place. The approach was for maximum conservation and reinforcement of that existing and mi.

Patricia García - May 7, 2014. 10:00
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The Olneyville neighbourhood forms part of the industrial Providence Valley district, an area which has been in decline for 20 years. It is a district with high levels of poverty and unemployment, with a run-down housing stock, lacking green spaces and scattered with many empty brownfield sites. Regenerating the Valley district is one of the main measures outlined in the General Plan for Providence, which is based on cleaning up the industrial soils as the first stage to regenerate the impove.

Patricia García - May 6, 2014. 11:10
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Florian Heilmeyer reviews 10 Stories of Collective Housing on the blog of Uncube, an architecture online magazine based in Berlin, Germany.

"This is a book of excess in many ways. In the excessive volume of its information and perfectly designed layouts; in the excessive number of info-graphics that present even the most comple.

Patricia García - May 3, 2014. 10:00
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Photo: Jesús Granada

The need to protect against the strong winds prevailing in the Strait of Gibraltar has led to the development of the niche-dwelling. The carpentry and the glazing of the facade cannot be open to the elements, so the dwellings are protected by terraces and an exterior skin of metal mesh.




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