The team selected have palettes that range from
innovative processes to materials spurned by use an abuse. "The
antagonism between new and old materials, or between high and low
technologies of production, may be dispelled throug strategies that
deliberately mis-use materials as a form of political action in
In this way architects go for the tuché. They want to reach the full awareness of the spectators of theis works, make them feel "touched" by what they are perceiving.
Through a mischievous use of everyday materials, the idea is to arrive
at that point that signals a rupture in the very being of the subject,
to make a deep impact there. All throug a sense of unease that
unexpectedly emerges from the banal reality of materials.
But like art, architecture is consumed faster and faster, and the tuché
provoked by the new materiality vanished as quickly as a footprint in
mud on a rainy night.