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Architecture Markers in the Countryside

Is This Rural? Series

Architecture Markers in the Countryside

a+t 53

ISSN 1132-6409

ISBN 978-84-09-18936-6


120 Pages

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What is rural? What do we call rural architecture? The title of the new series of a + t magazine questions what we have known so far as rural context, the limits of which are increasingly diffuse. This first issue identifies pieces of very different scales which aim to provide architecture for those who inhabit the countryside, both human and non-human.


CONTENTS (English/Spanish)

WHAT'S GOING ON OUT THERE? Aurora Fernández Per

A Countryside Story

Philippe Madec, Atelier Provisoire, Pépitomicorazon, 2PM. Loupiac’ Method. Loupiac (France) 2018.

A Well Cultured Rural Complex

Architectural interventions in Shatwell Farm.

Stephen Taylor Architects. Shatwell Farm Cowshed and Haybarn. Yarlington, Somerset (United Kingdom) 2015.

Hugh Strange Architects. Drawing Matter Archive. Yarlington, Somerset (United Kingdom) 2014.

David Grandorge and Unit 7 at the Cass. Finnforest Pavilion. Yarlington, Somerset (United Kingdom) 2008-2019.

A Centre for the Centre

DierendonckBlancke. Oc Kasterlee and De Met. Kasterlee (Belgium) 2012-2017.

Reclaiming Old Structures

Fala Atelier. Housing Abragão, Penafiel (Portugal) 2016-2018.

Densifying the Centre

Seiler Linhart. New Centre. Jonen (Switzerland) 2017. 

Friendly Environment for Families

Studio Velocity. Kowa Public Apartment Complex. Mihama, Aichi (Japan) 2017.

Rethinking the Right Location for Education

MASS Design Group. University of Global Health Equity. Butaro, Burera District (Rwanda) 2019.

Developing Short Chains

a25architetti. Bressanella Agricultural Pavilion. Besana in Brianza (Italy) 2018.

Stabilizing Communities with Affordable Housing

Oopeaa. Puukuokka block. Kuokkala, Jyväskylä (Finland) 2011-2018.

Attracting Migrants from the City

Atelier Bow-Wow. Satoyama Nagaya Hoshinogawa. Yame, Fukuoka (Japan) 2017-2018.

Readapting Uses and Users

Lenschow & Pihlmann. Student Village. Damagervej 8, Viby J. (Denmark) 2016.

Hideouts for Animals and Urbanites

Gartnerfuglen Arkitekter & Mariana de Delás.

Grooming retreat. Santanyi, Mallorca (Spain) 2014.

Hidden place.Telemark (Norway) 2017.

Pozo Podenco. Mallorca (Spain) 2016.

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