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In Common IV

In Common Series

In Common IV

Collective Spaces

a+t 28

ISSN 1132-6409


Soft cover ( 23.5x32)


Bilingual: English/Español 160 Pages

This issue is part 4 of In Common, a special series on collective spaces.
In a context governed by mobility and centers of consumerism, operations carried out within the urban fabric are exercises bordering on the heroic. In a society where fear of the Other prevails over desire for interaction, and where closed, protected spaces are invading the public domain, it becomes more and more difficult to create open-air places of encounter.
The importance of the series In common, hence, lies in the selection of projects, both right in urban cores and in outskirts, where the merging of architecture and landscaping has yielded encouraging results.


...For those who are neither botanists nor avid admirers of horticulture, plants and flowers, the topic of the botanical garden in the context of our media-saturated twenty-first century might at first seem a little antiquated - more a specialist subject for eccentric gardeners and historians perhaps. Conjuring up a medley of exotic images - endless parterres with strange Latin names, shapely Colonial lawns with ubiquitous white structures, colorful summertime flower displays, tropical glasshouses and unusual specimens, each carefully labeled with imprinted metal tags or bronze plaques - botanical gardens are today mostly tourist curiosities and emblems of bygone empires. Whereas many contemporary botanical gardens around the world are today striving to find renewed vitality through conservation, education and scientific research programs, visitor-ship and revenue continues to decline in most cases. Is the botanical garden as a significant cultural place today obsolete, or at least outmoded in the face of modern science, technology, media and globalization? Or is there scope for reinvention of the botanical garden as a cultural type, a type somehow newly popular and relevant for the 21st Century imagination? ...


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