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Baas. Disseny Hub Barcelona. Spain

Project published in a+t 43 Workforce A Better Place to Work

February 12, 2015

Baas. Disseny Hub Barcelona. Spain

The decision to create a printed paper collage runs the risk of concealing, by a purely decorative action, a clearly architectural strategy as that of altering the perception of a long narrow space. The mural design, using strips of paper and incorporating boxes which break up the linearity, marks out the central circulation space and creates different areas of use.






Studio O+A. The Giant Pixel Corporation. San Francisco. California
Studio O+A. The Giant Pixel Corporation. San Francisco. California
Studio O+A. Cisco Meraki office. San Francisco, California. United States
Studio O+A. Cisco Meraki office. San Francisco, California. United States
Offices. Major innovations since its inception
Offices. Major innovations since its inception
Offices. Plan layout paradigms
Offices. Plan layout paradigms


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