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Arturo Franco. Matadero Units 8-9 (Structural Consolidation Works). Madrid. Spain

Project published in a+t 39-40 Reclaim Remediate Reuse Recycle

September 08, 2014

Arturo Franco. Matadero Units 8-9 (Structural Consolidation Works). Madrid. Spain

Reclaiming this unit which was part of the Matadero Complex for forthcoming cultural uses involved strengthening the existing reinforced concrete structure which was unable to support the new uses. The conventional way to carry out this type of structural reinforcement involves bracing the columns with another metal structural framework. Here it was decided to separate the new steel frame by 20 cm from the original such that the structural reinforcement was to become a part of the project. This way the two structural frameworks function independently and only work together when necessary at specific points.





Ensamble Studio. Matadero Reader's House. Madrid. Spain
Ensamble Studio. Matadero Reader's House. Madrid. Spain
Churtichaga, Quadra-Salcedo. Matadero film archives. Madrid. Spain
Churtichaga, Quadra-Salcedo. Matadero film archives. Madrid. Spain
Lapeña & Torres. CCCB Theatre. Barcelona. Spain
Lapeña & Torres. CCCB Theatre. Barcelona. Spain
ZUS. The Schieblock. Rotterdam. The Netherlands
ZUS. The Schieblock. Rotterdam. The Netherlands


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