Japan Diaries
Architecture and more
ISBN 978-84-09-09879-8
Aurora Fernandez Per and Javier Mozas
Soft Cover (12 x 16.8 cm)
480 Pages
Printed version: 29.00 €
Online version: 19.00 € How to read the online versions
Printed + Online: 35.00 € How to read the online versions
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- Printed version: 29.00 €
- Online version: 19.00 €
- Printed + Online: 35.00 €
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Two voices, those of Aurora Fernández Per and Javier Mozas, tell the story of three trips around Japan: Spring 1995, Autumn 2004 and Summer 2018.
One common thread, architecture, drives them to travel around the most influential country in terms of international design.
Using texts, photos and drawings they interpret buildings, landscapes and everyday scenes. The publishers of a+t magazine and founders of the a+t research group provide us with the traveller’s version, that of the person arriving at a new place and narrating what they have seen.
"A mixture of a travel diary and a catalog of buildings, the volume brings together some of the most exciting projects built over the past few decades in Japan's largest cities." Romullo Baratto. Archdaily.com
"This travelogue of the couple's Japanese explorations goes beyond the norm of such a book by the inclusion of a few things. First are the mangas: playful cartoons that describe simply the formal qualities of, or ideas behind, some of the buildings they visited. Second are the specially made maps that track their journeys and point out places they visited but otherwise did not document or discuss in the book. Third are the photographs, which were taken by the authors and are straightforward but very, very good." John Hill. A Daily Dose of Architecture Books.
"This is a guide to travel with content and attitude. To enjoy the trip with or without wonder." Anatxu Zabalbeascoa. El País. Del tirador a la ciudad.