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Before is Before

Before is Before

Landscape Strategy Catalogue

ISBN 978-84-09-55536-9

a+t research group: Aurora Fernández Per, Javier Mozas

Soft cover (15 x 23.5 cm)



496 Pages

Printed version: 39.00 €

Online version: 19.00 €  How to read the online versions

Printed + Online: 45.00 €  How to read the online versions

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BEFORE IS BEFORE explains the design and construction of public space and landscape through a catalogue of strategies and actions. It is not a set of universal recipes. They are real cases that show, in a quick and simple way, the ‘modus operandi’ of the authors. This book reflects on the moment ‘before’ the project.

a+t research group was founded in 2011 by Aurora Fernández Per, journalist, and Javier Mozas, architect. Their field of action focuses on collective housing, mixed-use buildings, public space and landscape. This is Hybrid, 10 Stories on Collective Housing and the Density series are among their publications.

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