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New issue! a+t 51 ACTIVATORS

The new volume expands the Strategy Series, devoted to Public Space.

December 13, 2018

 New issue! a+t 51 ACTIVATORS

a + t magazine takes up the STRATEGY series, which began in 2010 with the aim of highlighting and naming strategies and actions present in public space projects.

This new volume of the series, ACTIVATORS, includes works by MVRDV, Jaja, Adept, Nendo, Vaumm, Wowhaus and Ola, among others.

These are projects that add new dynamics to the public space through the incorporation of facilities for leisure, sports or recreational learning.

An index of 85 actions, identified within the 13 projects included in this isue, allows analyzing them according to:

-Influence scale: Context, Site, Objects

-Type of strategy: Environmental, Socioeconomic, Aesthetic.




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Strategy series goes digital
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Strategy Space, a mental map through the strategies
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a+t 37 Strategy Space. Strategies
a+t 37 Strategy Space
a+t 37 Strategy Space
a+t 37 Strategy Space. Projects
a+t 37 Strategy Space. Projects
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Strategy Public
Strategy Public
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Strategy Series. Why strategy
Strategy: going deeper into the how in order to find an answer to some whys
Strategy: going deeper into the how in order to find an answer to some whys


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