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The third issue of the GENEROSITY series, now on sale

The volume is dedicated to the challenge of privacy within the collective domain.

June 06, 2023

 The third issue of the GENEROSITY series, now on sale

Currently, electronic devices transport the self to virtual realities, blur public with private, even the innermost, and provide a foretaste of a different domestic spatiality. Facing this challenge, and taking a resistant stance, architecture turns its gaze to the recent past and is capable of constructing a privacy in which materiality still preserves its full evocative power.

The third volume of the GENEROSITY series is dedicated to delving into how this privacy is built in the collective housing environment. Stephen Bates signs an extensive article on new architectural options for living together, Javier Mozas summarizes in five points the benefits of a home in which it is possible to achieve domestic happiness and Aurora Fernández Per compares the strategies to improve privacy followed by 8 selected projects.




 The second issue of the GENEROSITY series, now on sale
The second issue of the GENEROSITY series, now on sale
 Generosity a+t magazine new series devoted to Collective Housing
Generosity a+t magazine new series devoted to Collective Housing


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