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Aurora Fernández Per - January 26, 2023. 15:43
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The second issue of the GENEROSITY series is devoted to strategies of domestic exterior space.

The different degrees of domestic exteriority were modulated over time through openings or closures, with one defining moment, when the envelope was released from its load bearing functions.

From a distance, the modernist façade has multi­ple readings and Le Corbusier’s thick diaphragmed ‘fourth wall’ is not the same as Mies’ fine curtain wall.

Contemporary domesticity plays with the creation of thresholds to extend the liveable domain outside the envelope.

The three-dimensionality facilitates the construction of liveable spaces within a thick façade.

Works by Caruso St John Architects, Atelier Kempe Thill, Vivas Arquitectos, Henley Halebrown, Schneider Studer Primas, Studio Woodroffe Papa, MIA2, ITCHstudio + Vincenzo Di Salvia, MVRDV, Flint and Duncan Lewis - Scape Architecture.

Patricia García - February 8, 2016. 08:00
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Drawing by a+t research group. Published in the book Why Density?

The Mirador building by MVRDV & Blanca Lleó contains an extensive patchwork of situations and dwelling types in order to lodge the contemporary diversity and individuality. It’s about integrating different lifestyles. The large lookout point gives a privileged public space and also a global identity.


Patricia García - December 11, 2015. 08:00
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The project Pushed Slab by MVRDV forms part of the first eco-district built in Paris, which meant environmental requirements were a priority in the design process, as outlined below. The programme is for an office building for leasing to one or more tenants so great spatial flexibility was a requirement on all floors. Three circulation cores allow for segmentation and provide independent access from the ground floor.

The form defers to the decision to fracture the block and to curve t.

Patricia García - December 4, 2015. 09:19
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The Barcode urban plan, designed by the architecture practice MVRDV for the new Bjorvika district, proposes a proximity between volumes which requires the buildings to be sculpted to let in daylight. In the case of the DNB bank office building project, the strategy involves pixelating the total solid of the spacious 3D form and removing the excess modules. This enables the permitted built volume to be obtained and also provides favourable orientations and views. On the other hand, by extrac.

Patricia García - July 21, 2015. 09:24
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a+t magazine 44 forms part of the WORKFORCE series, dedicated to the design of workspaces.

A Better Place to Work 2 looks at 20 projects for contemporary buildings and conducts graphic analysis of 10 master works. The article “Redesigning the office building. Sources of inspiration” establishes historical references for the new projects.

Patricia García - May 17, 2015. 11:04
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1. Access to the underground car park 2. High-rise patios 3. Courtyard 4. Slopped plinth

This project is an alternative solution to the city block. It is proposed as more of a building system than as an individual building. The lattice-like set intersperses 30 built volumes and 30 empty spaces. These empty spaces are high-rise patios for neighbourhood life, open to cross views.

Celosía MVRDV, BLANCA LLEÓ Madrid (Spain) 2009

Plot area: 6,021 m2 Floor Area: 13,800 m2 Coverage: 0.35 Floor Area Ratio: 2.29 Dwellings: 146 Parking places: 162 Other.

Patricia García - July 1, 2014. 08:25
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The facade of this food laboratory, built in 2004 and disused since 2009, was created using metal panels. The conversion of the building into a Call Centre was displayed on the envelope by attaching a highly stable polymer on which eleven QR codes were stamped. Hence the facade now became a corporate communication device as it was able to supply instant information to any smart phones located in the local area.




Patricia García - May 14, 2014. 09:55
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Photo: a+t research group

In 2003, MVRDV together with Norwegian firms Dark and A-lab, won the competition for the Bjørvika waterfront development with the design of the Bjørvika Barcode, a dense urban masterplan along Nyland Allé, which will be developed and realised by Oslo S Utvikling (OSU) in different phases. The masterplan comprises 220,000 m2 of mixed pro.

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