15 PLOT=BIG+JDS Copenhagen. Denmark, 2005-2008 ............................................... 196-205 14 VMX Architects Haarlem. The Netherlands, 2006-2010.......................................... 184-195 16 Estudio FAM Madrid. Spain, 2007-2009 ................................................................. 206-209 17 BIG Copenhagen. Denmark, 2005- ........................................................ 210-219 19 Rex Architecture Louisville. USA, 2005-2011 ................................................................ 238-251 13 Tatiana Bilbao/mx.a Guadalajara. Mexico, 2006-2010 ..................................................... 174-183 /ha 389 /ha 308 /ha 306 projects Densityseries /ha 259 /ha 242 /ha 257Título Title Density projects Subtítulo Subtitle 36 nuevos conceptos de vivienda colectiva 36 new concepts on collective housing a+t Density series Autores Authors Aurora Fernández Per Javier Arpa Asesor editorial Editorial Advisor Javier Mozas Maquetación y producción Layout and production Ricardo Unquera Delia Argote Coordinación Coordination Idoia Esteban Publicado por Edited by a+t ediciones © Edición Edition: a+t ediciones © Textos y fotos: sus autores Text and photographs: their authors Ninguna parte de esta publicación puede reproducirse o transmitirse por ningún medio, incluida la cubierta, sin la expresa autorización escrita de la editorial. No part of this publication, including the cover, may be reproduced or trans- mitted without the express authorization in writing of the publisher. ISBN 978-84-612-1335-1 Impresion Printing Gráficas Santamaría VI-581/07 Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2007 a+t ediciones. General Álava 15, 2º A. E-01005. Vitoria-Gasteiz. Spain www.aplust.net Agradecimientos Acknowledgments a+t ediciones agradece a todos los autores y colaboradores de las obras que se incluyen en esta publicación, su esfuerzo en la comprobación de datos y en la recopilación de la información. a+t ediciones thanks the authors of the works featured in this publication as well as their collaborators including for their efforts in collecting information and verifying data.ÍNDICE DE ARQUITECTOS ARCHITECTS INDEX ...................................................... 11 SOBRE LA DENSIDAD Y OTRAS PREOCUPACIONES ............................................... 12 ON DENSITY AND OTHER CONCERNS .................................................................... 28 MANUAL DE USO USER’S MANUAL ......................................................................... 42 ANÁLISIS TEMÁTICO THEMATIC ANALYSIS ............................................................. 44 PROYECTOS PROJECTS ............................................................................................. 70 CRÉDITOS CREDITS .................................................................................................. 394Density projects contiene 36 ideas sobre vivienda colectiva que apuestan por el aumento de la densidad. Son proyectos que proponen un ahorro en la ocupación del territorio y, como consecuencia, un entorno más sostenible. La estrategia de diseño de los autores, la implantación en el contexto y el de- sarrollo de las tipologías de vivienda son analizadas y comparadas por temas, siguiendo el camino iniciado por la serie de a+t dedicada a la Densidad. Los proyectos –en fase de desarrollo o de ejecución a lo largo de 2007– se caracterizan por favorecer la densificación a través de la buena arquitectura. Muchos de ellos incluyen en su programa otros usos distintos del residencial, que contribuyen a dotar, no sólo de densidad, sino también de intensidad, el entorno en que se sitúan. Creemos que la mezcla de distintas funciones dentro de un mismo proyecto es la clave para la regeneración de la ciudad consolidada y para la creación de nuevos núcleos urbanos y que la vivienda colectiva, situada en ese contexto variado de usos y generando un entorno construido denso, es la única solución frente al consumo de recursos. LOS AUTORESDensity projects contains 36 ideas on collective housing that are committed to increasing density. They are projects that propose savings in land use and, consequently, a more sustainable environment. The design strategy of the authors, the implementation in the context and the development of the housing typologies are analysed and compared by themes, following the path begun by the a+t series dedicated to Density. The projects, in phase of development or execution throughout 2007, are char- acterised for favouring densification through good architecture. Many of them include other uses besides residential uses in their programmes. This contrib- utes not only density, but also intensity to their respective environments. We believe that the combination of different functions inside the same project is the key to the regeneration of the consolidated city and for the creation of new urban nuclei and that collective housing in this context of mixed-use, generating a dense built environment, is the only solution to the consumption of resources. THE AUTHORSOn density and Other cOncerns Density projects 30 Le Corbusier. 1946 The garden city is a will-o’-the-wisp. Nature melts under the invasion of roads and houses and the promised seclusion becomes a crowed settlement. I spoke above the ‘horizontal garden-city’ (so-called family houses). But the solution will be found in the ‘vertical garden-city’ the fruit of modern techniques adapted to the conditions of modern life. Concerning town planning. Translated by Clive Entwistle from the French Propos D’Urbanisme. Yale University Press, New Haven, 1948 p 68. Liberation. 16 October, 2007 The Commission for achievement of econo- mical growth in France (CLCF), chaired by Jacques Attali, plans the construction of 500,000 new housing units per year until 2010 by increasing the current density of the existing urban fabric. www.liberation.fr I want a quiet, laid back place with low or no crime, I want to enjoy living in a nice big house (4000+square feet would be nice) with at least 2 stories (3 or even 4 is better) and basement. I prefer at least an acre but will settle for less if the house is amazing. I need lots of space for my collections and stuff as well as for family and friends that will come to visit. You cant invite anyone in a 1 bedroom condo! (wpb, fl. Dreaming of oil city, pa) www.citydata.com/forum/ general-u-s Not only has your exurbia destroyed the countryside, but you have destroyed our suburbs as well, turning them into a nightmare full of commuters who never go away. (hkv) http://app.businessweek.com/ usercomments/get_reviews Exurbia is a life of misuse, overuse and gluttony. (cesc) (concerned-envirofriendly american) http://app.businessweek.com/ usercomments/get_reviewsDensity projects 31 Richard Simmons, CABE. 2007 New developments are determined by a road system overseen by highway engineers –with the houses having somehow to fit in between the tarmac. Such random planning, of course, has another side-effect: encouraging more car use, and hence congestion and pollution, ‘it’s interesting now that when you talk to developers building high density developments, which require a management company, they are thinking much harder about the use of robust materials, not wasting so much money on building large amounts of street that won’t be needed, which someone has to maintain. And they’re looking much harder at the lifestyle that will be lived in certain places. So there is a bit of a change happening’. Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE), www.guardian.co.uk/society The Star. 20 October, 2007 A growing number of commuter-based communities in the Toronto region are experi- menting with free or discounted transit in the hope that residents just might like the bus if they try it. Tess Kalinowski: Suburbanites taken for a free (bus) ride http://www.thestar.com The Washington Post. 11 August, 2007 The average family may be smaller than it was 10 years ago, but the average single-family house is larger –and more luxurious. It has more bathrooms, higher ceilings, more elabo- rate master bedrooms, and bigger kitchens and outdoor space. Nancy Trejos. For 2015, it’s what’s inside that counts. www.washingtonpost.com It isn’t the city environment that people don’t like, it is what most cities turned into, crime and education problems. I think that if people didn’t want to live in an urban city, the remainder of people would prefer small to medium sized towns. I don’t think that very many people like the suburbs for how they are planned (roads, Wal-Marts, large houses), but they value education, safety, generally cheaper price, etcetera more. (minnehahapolitan) www.city-data.com/forum/ general-u-s46 Density projects DENSIDAD DE POBLACIÓN RESIDENTIAL DENSITY 01 Riches Hawley Mikhail Architects Elmswell. United Kingdom, 2005-2008 .............................................72-75 02 MAB Arquitectura Milan. Italy, 2005-2008 ............................................................................ 76-83 03 AOC Llantwit Major. United Kingdom, 2004 .............................................. 84-89 04 MBM Arquitectes/MAB Arquitectura Parma. Italy, 2006- .........................................................................................90-99 05 FÜNDC Eindhoven. The Netherlands, 2004- .............................................. 100-107 06 Riches Hawley Mikhail Architects Houghton Regis. United Kingdom, 2006- .................................... 108-115 /ha 171 /ha 156 /ha 139 /ha 118 /ha 103 /ha 62 Ordenados por densidad de población de menor a mayor, de izquierda a derecha y de arriba a abajo por página. Arranged by residential density from lowest to highest, left to right and top to bottom on each page.Density projects 47 07 BIG Holbaek. Denmark, 2006-2010 ........................................................ 116-127 09 Cino Zucchi Architetti Milan. Italy, 2006-2010 ........................................................................ 138-143 10 Witherford Watson Mann Architects London. United Kingdom, 2005- .................................................... 144-151 11 Selgascano Madrid. Spain, 2007- .......................................................................... 152-167 12 ECDM Architectes Paris. France, 2007- ............................................................................. 168-173 /ha 176 /ha 211 /ha 215 /ha 238 08 Eric Lapierre Architecture Paris. France, 2007-2010 .................................................................... 128-137 /ha 203 /ha 213Next >