Our home is now in the city which is compacted and mixed up, which grows inwards and is renewed. We are returning to the historic city, to the modern city, to the post-industrial city, we are re-densifying the expansive city of the last decade. We are regenerating the narrow plots of the medieval urban grids, the 19th century urban extensions and the new-old cities of the 60s. We are returning to the built-up city driven by the need to save on resources, but this return cannot be a reluctant one. Density is Home echoes these types of city -dispersed, expansive, modern, the core of the city and the recycled city- through 37 projects on collective housing. 14 case studies have been extracted among them in order to analyze the desirable home. The book forms part of the Density series, initiated by a+t in 2002, which became a reference for publications about collective housing worldwide. Nuestra casa está ahora en la ciudad que se compacta y se mezcla, que crece hacia adentro y se renueva. Volvemos a la ciudad histórica, a la ciudad moderna, a la ciudad posindustrial, redensificamos la ciudad expansiva de la última década. Regeneramos los lotes estrechos de las tramas medievales, los ensanches decimonónicos y a las nuevas-viejas ciudades de los 60. Volvemos a la ciudad construida empujados por la necesidad de ahorrar recursos, pero este retorno no puede ser a regañadientes. Density is Home refleja estos modelos de ciudad -dispersa, expansiva, moderna, histórica y reciclada- a través de 37 proyectos de vivienda multifamiliar. De ellos, se han extraído 14 casos de estudio en los que se analiza la vivienda deseable. El libro forma parte de la serie Densidad, iniciada por a+t en 2002 y considerada la investigación sobre vivienda colectiva de referencia en todo el mundo. a+t architecture publishers www.aplust.net D E N S I T Y I S HOME HOUSING BY RESEARCH GROUP D E N S I T Y I S HOME H O M E D EN SI TY ISTitle Título Density is Home Housing by a+t Research Group ISBN 978-84-615-1237-9 Authors Autores a+t research group: Aurora Fernández Per Javier Mozas Javier Arpa Graphic Concept and Illustrations Concepto gráfico e ilustraciones Alex S. Ollero Layout and production Maquetación y producción Ricardo Unquera Delia Argote Coordination Coordinación Idoia Esteban Communication and Press Comunicación y prensa Patricia García Translation into English Traducción al inglés Ken Mortimer Edited by Publicado por a+t architecture publishers General Álava 15, 2ºA. E-01005. Vitoria-Gasteiz. Spain www.aplust.net Printing Impresión Gráficas Santamaría VI-420/2011 Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2011 © Edition Edición: a+t architecture publishers © Projects, articles and photographs: their authors Obras, artículos y fotos: sus autores No part of this publication, including the cover, may be reproduced or transmitted without the express authorization in writing of the publisher. Ninguna parte de esta publicación puede reproducirse o transmitirse por ningún medio, incluida la cubierta, sin la expresa autorización escrita de la editorial. Acknowledgments Agradecimientos a+t architecture publishers thank the authors of the works featured in this publication as well as all their collaborators including for their efforts in collecting information and verifying data. a+t architecture publishers agradece a todos los autores y colaboradores de las obras que se incluyen en esta publicación, su esfuerzo en la comprobación de datos y en la recopilación de la información.DENSITY IS HOME 5 INDEX ARCHITECTS INDEX ÍNDICE DE ARQUITECTOS..................................................................................................7 atHOME.................................................................................................................................................................8 Density and Desire Densidad y deseo....................................................................................................................9 14FOURTEEN Case Studies.................................................................................................................................14 DENSITYISHOME..............................................................................................................................................32 The Dispersed City La ciudad dispersa.................................................................................................................34 The Expansive City La ciudad expansiva..............................................................................................................80 The Modern City La ciudad moderna.................................................................................................................140 The Core of the City El núcleo de la ciudad.......................................................................................................206 The Recycled City La ciudad reciclada................................................................................................................320 Credits.................................................................................................................................................................39314 DENSITY IS HOME CASE STUDIES of desirable homes 14foUrTEENDENSITY IS HOME 15 Brendeland & Kristoffersen SvalbarD HOuSINg (38-45) longyearbyen, Norway (2007) TYPe floor PlaN. 1:150N atHoME a set of actions attempts to remedy the nostalgia of the temporary tenants: the leaning wall recalls the buildings in the north of Scandinavia, untreated white wood. Un conjunto de gestos intenta remediar la nostalgia de los inquilinos temporales: la pared inclinada que recuerda las construcciones del norte de escandinavia, la madera blanca sin tratar. The spatial perception improves with the vertical opening up of the space, which allows a split level central living area. la percepción espacial mejora con la apertura vertical del espacio, que permite una estancia central de doble altura. The dwelling is made of solid wood both inside and outside and is waterproofed, with a mechanical cooling system. la vivienda es de madera maciza tanto por el interior como por le exterior y estanca, con sistema de ventilación mecánico. f1 f2 f032 DENSITY IS HOME D E N S I T Y I S HOME TEXTS BY JAVIER ARPA IMAGES AND PLANS BY THE TEAMS OF EACH PROJECT 37 PROJECTS ACCORDING TO THE URBAN CONTEXTDENSITY IS HOME 33 THE DISPERSED CITy 01. Svalbard HouSing by Brendeland & Kristoffersen, Longyearbyen (Norway)..................................... 38-45 02. roSenberg ConverSion by EM2N, Winterthur (Switzerland)........................................................... 46-53 03. dolez by B612, Brussels (Belgium).......................................................................................................... 54-61 04. StitCH by Chiba Manabu, Tokyo (Japan)................................................................................................. 62-71 05. roSa HouSing by Guidotti, Monte Carasso (Switzerland).................................................................... 72-79 THE ExPAnSIVE CITy 06. Monte HaCHo HouSing by MGM, Ceuta (Spain)Ceuta (Spain) (Spain)Spain)).............................................................................. 84-93 07. vilaMarina HouSing and SHoPPing Centre by Batlle i �oig, �ilade�ans (Spain)by Batlle i �oig, �ilade�ans (Spain)Batlle i �oig, �ilade�ans (Spain), �ilade�ans (Spain)�ilade�ans (Spain) (Spain)Spain)).................... 94-101 08. iJburg blok 65b by Moriko Kira, �msterdam (The Netherlands)by Moriko Kira, �msterdam (The Netherlands)�msterdam (The Netherlands) (The Netherlands)The Netherlands))..................................................... 102-109 09. 64 SoCial HouSing unitS by �ueda �izarro, Madrid (Spain)by �ueda �izarro, Madrid (Spain)Madrid (Spain) (Spain)Spain))......................................................... 110-117 10. 8 HouSe by BIG, Copenhagen (Denmark)by BIG, Copenhagen (Denmark)Copenhagen (Denmark) (Denmark)Denmark))........................................................................................... 118-129 11. HouSing for tHe elderly by �ires Mateus, �l���er do Sal (�ortugal)�ires Mateus, �l���er do Sal (�ortugal), �l���er do Sal (�ortugal)�l���er do Sal(�ortugal) (�ortugal)�ortugal))......................................... 130-139 THE MODERn CITy 12. Can travi elderly HouSing by Serrat, Egea, Gar�ía, Bar�elona (Spain)...................................... 144-151 13. arCH Street by S333, London (�nited Kingdom), London (�nited Kingdom) (�nited Kingdom)............................................................................. 152-159 14. bloCk 3, tarling eaSt by S333, London (�nited Kingdom), London (�nited Kingdom) (�nited Kingdom)........................................................... 160-165 15. atriuMtoWer HiPHouSe by Kempe Thill, Zwolle (The Netherlands)The Netherlands)).............................................. 166-173 16. 4 toWerS oSdorP by Wiel �rets, �msterdam (The Netherlands), �msterdam (The Netherlands) (The Netherlands)The Netherlands))................................................... 174-181 17. urban reneWal euroParei by Kempe Thill, �ithoorn (The Netherlands)Kempe Thill, �ithoorn (The Netherlands) (The Netherlands)The Netherlands)).................................... 182-189 18. Square deS SPortS by Lion, Lapierre, Gap, Berim, Gonesse (�ran�e)Lion, Lapierre, Gap, Berim, Gonesse (�ran�e) (�ran�e)............................................ 190-197 19. tour boiS le Pretre by Druot, La�aton & �assal, �aris (�ran�e)..................................................... 198-205 THE CORE OF THE CITy 20. 19 youtH HouSing by �ampols, Lleida (Spain)Lleida (Spain) (Spain)Spain))................................................................................ 210-219 21. vara de rey by �lberola, Díaz-Mauriño, Martorell, Madrid (Spain)................................................... 220-227 22. Student HouSing by Colomès Nomdedeu, Troyes (�ran�e)Troyes (�ran�e) (�ran�e)�ran�e))........................................................... 228-233 23. eMile CHaÎne area regeneration by Moussa��r�Katz�Ta�hon, �aris (�ran�e)Moussa��r�Katz�Ta�hon, �aris (�ran�e), �aris (�ran�e)............................ 234-247 24. HouSing, SPortS Hall and CoMMunity gardenS by TO�, �aris (�ran�e)........................... 248-255 25. duPloye HouSing by X-T�, �aris (�ran�e)...................................................................................... 256-265 26. non-Conventional HouSing by Jordi Gar�és, Bar�elona (Spain).............................................. 266-273 27. tHe Maltery by Bogdan & �an Broe�k � �BM, Leuven (Belgium)(Belgium)Belgium))..................................................... 274-283 28. neigHbourHood faCtory by Marlies �ohmer, �msterdam (The Netherlands)Marlies �ohmer, �msterdam (The Netherlands), �msterdam (The Netherlands)�msterdam (The Netherlands) (The Netherlands)The Netherlands))........................... 284-291 29. Md HouSing by �� Studio, �ila Nova de Gaia (�ortugal)�� Studio, �ila Nova de Gaia (�ortugal), �ila Nova de Gaia (�ortugal)�ila Nova de Gaia (�ortugal) (�ortugal)�ortugal)).................................................................. 292-297 30. CaraMoniÑa HouSing by �i�tor López Cotelo, Santiago de Compostela (Spain)Santiago de Compostela (Spain) (Spain)Spain))........................ 298-311 31. klarHeit by �r�h. Workshop, Tokyo (Japan)Tokyo (Japan) (Japan)Japan))...................................................................................... 312-319 THE RECyCLED CITy 32. CoMing out by Edouard �rançois, Grenoble (�ran�e)Grenoble (�ran�e) (�ran�e)�ran�e))...................................................................... 324-331 33. vivazz by ZigZag, Mieres (Spain)Mieres (Spain) (Spain)Spain))......................................................................................................... 332-341 34. doCkS doMbaSleS by �amoni� �� Masson, Le �avre (�amoni� �� Masson, Le �avre (, Le �avre (Le �avre ( (�ran�e))........................................................ 342-349 35. grand large-nePtune by Ni�olas Mi�helin, Dunkirk (�ran�e)Dunkirk (�ran�e) (�ran�e)...................................................... 350-359 36. le MonolitHe by EE�ECDM�MG��G�M��D�, Lyon (�ran�e)........................................................... 360-367 37. zaC Seguin HouSing by Diener & Diener�MCB�D��aillard, Boulogne Billan�ourt (�ran�e)Diener & Diener�MCB�D��aillard, Boulogne Billan�ourt (�ran�e), Boulogne Billan�ourt (�ran�e)Boulogne Billan�ourt (�ran�e) (�ran�e).......... 368-391 PROJECTS InDEx ÍNDICE DE ��OYECTOS206 HOUSING IS HOME The Core of the City The historic city lost momentum with the heyday of modern zoning, which saw that mixed fabric as no more than an unhealthy mish-mash. Today we have overcome the ravages of the modern dream, the historic city is back with force to show us that superimposing uses and having walkable routes are the key to more sustainable development. Faced with market pressure, many cities are seeing how the price of downtown real estate is rising, pushing out low-income residents; and how some heritage conservation policies are fossilizing the monumental landmarks with the subsequent risk of turning them into theme parks. Yet there are still old neighbourhoods where the city is playing out its future, neighbourhoods which are compact and well-linked and in need of regeneration projects -as opposed to gentrification- aiming to improve accessibility, public spaces and facilities. We cover various examples of recycling, refilling, replacing or bulking out the traditional urban grid. All of these examples introduce collective housing and some of them public facilities echoing the need to introduce groups of different ages, origins, interests and resources. In any case, none of the projects impose themselves on the urban grid yet all of them pass, in different ways, the test of context. La ciudad histórica perdió fuelle con el apogeo de la zonificación moderna, que no vio más que un entramado insalubre en aquel tejido abigarrado. Hoy, superados los estragos del sueño moderno, la ciudad histórica regresa con fuerza para demostrarnos que la superposición de usos y los recorridos a pie son claves para un desarrollo más sostenible. Ante el empuje del mercado, muchas ciudades están viendo cómo el suelo de sus centros sube de precio, expulsando a los residentes menos favorecidos; y cómo algunas políticas de conservación del patrimonio esclerotizan los conjuntos monumentales con el consiguiente riesgo de convertirlos en parques temáticos. Pero quedan todavía viejos barrios donde la ciudad se juega el futuro, compactos y bien comunicados, y necesitados de proyectos de regeneración -frente a gentrificación- que están encaminados a mejorar la accesibilidad, el espacio público y sus equipamientos. Recogemos varios ejemplos de operaciones de reciclado, relleno, sustitución o esponjamiento de la trama tradicional. Todas ellas introducen vivienda colectiva y, algunas, equipamientos públicos, haciéndose eco de la necesidad de introducir grupos de distinta edad, origen, intereses o recursos. En cualquier caso, ningún proyecto se impone a la trama sino que todos pasan, de maneras distintas, la prueba del contexto. (*) Aerial views to 1:10,000 scale show the urban fabric that surrounds the buildings´ footprint (*) Las fotos aéreas representativas de cada trama urbana, con la huella de cada edificio incrustada, se muestran a 1:10.000DENSITY IS HOME 207 20 Pampols 19 YOUHT HOUSING Lleida, Spain (2010) 21 Alberola, Díaz-Mauriño, Martorell VArA DE rEY Madrid, Spain (2010) 22 Colomès Nomdedeu STUDENT HOUSING Troyes, France (2009) 23 Moussafir/Katz/Tachon EMILE CHAÎNE ArEA rEGENErATION Paris, France (2010)Next >